The true reason why a sake brewery producing rice shochu also manufactures vodka from rice as a raw material.

Necca LLC July 24, 2024, 3:06 PM

The rice-based spirit "Necca Vodka" is an "ethical" vodka born from the distillation of sake lees. The true reason why a rice shochu brewery produces vodka is to establish sustainable agriculture and pass it on to the future!

In Tadami Town, Fukushima Prefecture, known as the Nature Capital and recognized as a UNESCO Eco Park, "Necca Oku-Aizu Distillery" produces the rice shochu "Necca." The by-product of the rice shochu distillation process, sake lees, is redistilled to create a high-proof spirit, which is then filtered through birch charcoal to produce "Necca Vodka." In the Japanese sake industry, the disposal rate of sake lees is on the rise. As part of an upcycling project that adds value to such unused resources, "Necca Vodka" is distilled with the spirit of a distillery located within the Tadami UNESCO Eco Park.

About Necca Vodka

Utilizing sake lees effectively! Ethical "Necca Vodka"

The raw material for Necca Vodka is the sake lees produced during the distillation process of the rice shochu "Necca." By distilling the sake lees, the alcohol content is increased to 15 degrees, and through further distillation, a spirit with an alcohol content of 45-50 degrees is produced. Despite the various ways to use sake lees, such as in cooking or as feed for cattle and pigs, the disposal rate by breweries is rising. For our company, which lovingly cultivates rice in our own fields, sake lees are also a valuable resource. It is wasteful and heartbreaking to treat them as waste. The reason we upcycle sake lees into vodka, a resource now often called "unused," is not to produce craft vodka.

The reason for making vodka is to aim for a sustainable, circular brewery

The characteristic of the rice shochu "Necca" is its ginjo aroma, which is more than twice that of sake. To maximize the rice-derived flavor, the Necca Oku-Aizu Distillery stops distillation early. Therefore, a significant amount of alcohol remains in Necca's sake lees. In this state, it cannot be used as compost for fields or feed for animals. Hence, the distillation of vodka is conducted to remove the alcohol from the sake lees. The sake lees remaining after the vodka distillation are mixed with rice bran and rice husks, fermented, and returned as compost to the fields where Necca's sake rice is cultivated. Necca Vodka is an ethical spirit created to establish such a sustainable agricultural cycle.

A Rice Vodka Proudly Made in Japan, Loved by Bartenders

The flavor of Necca Vodka is characterized by a subtle ginjo aroma and a rich umami derived from rice. It has high potential as a cocktail base and has already received favorable reviews from many bartenders. Recommended standard cocktails include "Yukiguni," which evokes the winter scenery of Oku-Aizu, and "Bloody Mary" made with Nangō tomato juice. However, it can be used in various recipes as a cocktail base. Necca Vodka pairs well with herbs like mint and rosemary, as well as spices such as cinnamon and cardamom, making it an excellent base spirit for infused drinks. Our company plans to develop various products based on Necca Vodka in the future.

Necca Vodka Product Overview

Necca Vodka

  • Category: Spirits
  • Product Name: Vodka
  • Alcohol Content: 40%
  • Volume: 500ml
  • Ingredients: Single-distilled shochu (produced in Tadami Town)
  • URL:

YUZU Necca Vodka

  • Category: Spirits
  • Product Name: Vodka
  • Alcohol Content: 40%
  • Volume: 500ml
  • Ingredients: Single-distilled shochu (produced in Tadami Town), yuzu
  • URL:

About Necca Oku-Aizu Distillery

Cultivating rice amidst abundant nature, connecting to the future with rice shochu "Necca"

Tadami Town in Fukushima Prefecture, recognized as a UNESCO Eco Park, is known as the Nature Capital and is one of Japan's prominent heavy snowfall areas. In summer, agriculture flourishes with the cultivation of rice and tomatoes, while in winter, the region is characterized by its picturesque snow-covered landscape with snow exceeding 3 meters. This area continues to preserve the beautiful, traditional scenery of Japan.

In Tadami Town, inspired by the idea of "using our rice to protect the region and pass it on to future generations," four rice farmers and one brewing technician started focusing on producing rice shochu using Tadami Town's specialty rice. In 2016, they began distilling "Necca" rice shochu.

By using rice as the raw material for rice shochu, they can preserve and pass on this beautiful rural landscape to the future. Additionally, it creates winter employment opportunities, even during the snow-covered months when farming is not possible. By providing stable local employment for young people who would otherwise have to leave the area for work in the winter, they also contribute to encouraging young people to settle in the region.

Necca rice shochu is crafted with a commitment to using only rice grown in Tadami, all cultivated in our own fields. It is a high-quality fusion of rice produced by professional rice farmers who thoroughly understand the soil of Tadami Town and the top-level brewing techniques of Fukushima Prefecture. This rice shochu contains more than twice the aromatic components of sake, yet its fragrance remains unchanged, offering a crisp flavor that pairs well with Japanese cuisine.

Necca's Environmental Initiatives

Ensuring the Safety and Security of Raw Materials with JGAP-Certified Fields

JGAP (Japan Good Agricultural Practice) involves production process management efforts that lead to sustainable agriculture, including food safety, environmental conservation, and labor safety. It certifies that farming is conducted in a scientifically safe environment by inspecting the soil, water, and rice. Sustainable production of agricultural and livestock products requires addressing natural environmental factors such as soil, water, and temperature. Through the JGAP certification program, we also contribute to the globally shared goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is extremely rare for a sake brewery to receive JGAP certification. At Necca Oku-Aizu Distillery, only rice grown in JGAP-certified fields is used. Additionally, we use non-plastic fertilizers developed by Katakura Corp Agri to produce safe and environmentally friendly rice for our sake.

Switching All Distillery Electricity to Renewable Energy!

As of May 2023, all the electricity used at Necca Oku-Aizu Distillery has been switched to renewable energy sources that do not emit CO2 during power generation, provided by Tohoku Electric Power. Although our distillation equipment uses boilers powered by fossil fuels, which emit CO2 during distillation, we are working to reduce CO2 emissions by optimizing

For Inquiries Regarding This Matter

Contact: Wakisaka, Necca LLC
TEL: 0241-72-8872
Address: 998 Oki, Yanatori, Tadami Town, Minamiaizu District, Fukushima Prefecture, 968-0603, Japan

the distillation process. Given the various disasters and environmental issues Japan faces, we hope our efforts will contribute to solving these challenges.